Traveller’s Tales’s Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Lego-themed action-adventure game that releases today to become the sixth in the series of Lego video games that players know and love. So far, the reviews for the game have been mostly positive, so you should definitely check out Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga if you’re interested in action and adventure games. This guide will take you through the process of how to unlock all Canto Bight Characters in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
All Canto Bight Characters Unlock Guide in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
There are four characters you can unlock in the Canto Bight region of the game. These are listed below along with the missions you will need to complete to get them all.
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Ubbla Mollbro
This is an extra character that you can find when you head to the interior of the Cantina. You will need to speak with them in order to receive the side mission called Ubbla The Weather. Once you have successfully finished this side quest, you will be able to unlock this character.
Mama The Hutt
Mama the Hutt is an extra character who you will need to use a Bounty Hunter character to speak to. She will have a quest for you called Silencing Snootles which you need to complete in order to recruit Mama The Hutt into your roster.
Master Codebreaker
An extra character, Master Codebreaker, can be unlocked when you speak to Sir Gonkingon III with the help of an Astromech Droid. He will have a quest called Gonk And Circumstance for you which you need to complete to unlock Master Codebreaker.
Captain Canady
This is a Villain character who will pose a bit more of a challenge for you. You will need to get the gold medal rank in the race The Fast And The Fathier in order to unlock him.