Pokémon Scarlet and Violet offer various post-game activities, and in it, you can experiment with new sandwich recipes. If you spend some time at the Picnic table, you can create Level 3 sandwiches that will offer better meal powers. In this guide, we will see the right combination to create a Level 3 sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How to Make a Level 3 Sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Having a Level 3 sandwich will give you better attributes when you want to catch a Pokémon of a certain type. Here we will see how to make a level 3 sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Read More: Best 6 Star Tera Raids to Farm Herba Mystica
To make a level 3 sandwich, you need to get three of the main ingredients along with one pickle and one cucumber. Also, you will need two Herba Mystica to mix and match to get the desired result. You can start farming Herba Mystica after you unlock 5 and 6-star Tera Raids, which are available post-game. Once you have collected all Herba Mystica types, you can start assembling your sandwich. Each Pokémon type that you are trying to find will require specific ingredients. All the ingredients below will give you Level 3 Title Power and Sparkling Powder, and depending on the Herba Mystica combination you will either get Egg Power, Encounter Power, Raid Power, and so on. Let’s take a look at each ingredient for each Pokémon type.

Main Ingredients (x3) + Herba Mystica (x2)
- Fire: Red Bell Pepper
- Flying: Prosciutto
- Psychic: Onion
- Rock: Bacon
- Steel: Hamburger
- Ghost: Red Onion
- Grass: Lettuce
- Ground: Ham
- Fighting: Pickle
- Dark: Smoked Filet
- Dragon: Avocado
- Electric: Yellow Pepper
- Fairy: Tomato
- Ice: Klawf Stick
- Normal: Tofu
- Poison: Green Bell Pepper
- Water: Cucumber
- Bug: Cherry Tomato
Secondary Ingredients: 1x Pickle, 1x Cucumber
Some rules to remember while mixing Herba Mystica to get the perfect sandwich. Sweet and Sour Herba Mystica will not give you results if mixed and having two Sweet Herba Mystica and two Sour Herba Mystica will only work for the following Pokémon.
- Ghost and Ice – Sour Herba Mystica x2
- Water and Fighting – Sweet Herba Mystica x2
How to create the perfect Level 3 sandwich

Since there are a lot of ingredients to stack up, there are chances that the ingredients will fall off the sandwich. If that happens, you should reload your picnic to start over, otherwise, you won’t get the right boosts. Also, it is not necessary to place the sandwich bread on top, as you can just lay it on the side of the sandwich or the plate if you find it not staying on top. You just have to keep in mind that the ingredients need to stay on the bread to make a perfect level 3 sandwich.
That’s all there is to know about making a level 3 sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.