Customization is one of the most loved features of the players, and Modern Warfare 2 has brought tons of customization features to the game. However, among all the features, the Camo challenges are one of the most attractive features players get in the game. If you have been playing the game already, you probably know that gettings camo requires lots of grinding, and without completing the Camo challenges, there is no other way to unlock Camo.
This guide will help you know how to get Kills while Mounted in Modern Warfare 2.
Modern Warfare 2 Camo Challenge- Get Mounted Kills- How to Complete?
Generally, in the Base Camo Challenges, players get some common challenges for every weapon, and Mounted kills are one of them. If you are looking for Mastery Camo for your weapons, there is no way to avoid the Base Camo Challenges. You must complete them, and getting Mounted Kills Challenge may confuse you.
Mounted kills mean shooting your enemies from a higher location, which can be anything from door frames to tables to building ledges. Shotting enemies from a higher location are counted as mounted kills. We recommend playing Domination or Hardpoint modes if you are looking for Mounted Kills in Modern Warfare 2. These modes have lots of players to reach your goal.
While looking for mounted kills, we recommend you take cover behind a table, door, or somewhere and wait for players to come near. As soon as they come close, mount on the table or door frame or any flat surface near, and shoot them with your weapon. This challenge is probably easy to do with Sniper Rifles. You can use sniper rifles to get kills from the roof of the buildings. Also, you can shoot enemies from the first or second-floor window of a building.

Another thing you can use to get mounted kills is the Deployable Covers. Deployable Covers help players get cover and have mounted kills. However, players don’t need to be stressed as there is no rule that you have to get all the mounted kills in a single match. You can take multiple matches to get this thing done.
However, finally, we can only say there’s no specific way to get mounted kills that suits every player. Playing a usual game will also help you get mounted kills, as almost every COD maps contain building, containers, boxes, tables, etc., that players can mount and shoot enemies. Moreover, the weapon you use will affect the time you need to complete this challenge.
That’s all you need to know about completing Modern Warfare 2 Mounted Kills Challenge.
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