Remnant 2 is one of the most played action RPGs of recent times, and like other RPGs, in this game, players need to survive by fighting challenging enemies, including World Bosses. The game has waves of enemies to defeat throughout the game, but the most challenging enemies are the World Bosses that players should defeat at each level. Mother Mind is one of the most challenging world bosses in Remnant 2, and this guide will help you know how to beat this boss.
Remnant 2 Mother Mind Defeating Process- How to Beat?
Action RPGs won’t be thrilling if you don’t find challenging world bosses. These bosses are difficult to fight, but they enhance the excitement. Remnant 2 is a complicated game where every player will have a different gameplay experience. However, the world bosses will be the same for everyone. Mother Mind is a powerful boss found in Yaesha, and players will have difficulty defeating this enemy.
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Mother Mind is one of the Giant Root Flyer bosses with several attacks to deal damage, but defeating her is simple- dodge her attacks and keep attacking the boss. However, it is much more challenging to do than say. The main reason behind it is the size of the boss. The boss is massive, which scares players. Secondly, the battle arena is not huge. There’s not much space to move.
Mother Mind has big arms with Scythe-like claws. She performs several attacks using these claws. She generally uses three attacks-
- Vertical Slashes
- Horizontal Slashes
- Slow Projectile Attacks
These Slashes can be easily dodged if you notice them coming. However, the Slow Projectiles spread acid after hitting the floor. Even the enemy destroys three platforms, leaving you only a platform to survive. After losing a considerable HP, Mother Mind will summon Root Flyers that should be dealt with first. They drop ammo upon death.

If you get stuck, don’t worry. Observe Mother Mind properly, and you will see an orange portion on her body. It is like her mouth. It is the most vulnerable part that players should target to deal massive damage. Stick to this point, and keep attacking the enemy. Eventually, you can take her down.
That’s all you need to know about how to beat Mother Mind in Remnant 2.