Modern Warfare 2, though the title is not new, several features are introduced newly in the game. Veteran COD players are aware that initially, Modern Warfare 2 was released long back in the year 2009. This 2022 Modern Warfare 2 is a reboot version that has brought a lot of new and old features for the players to enjoy the game. If you have encountered Battle Rage and become curious to know how it works in the game, this guide will help you with the process.
Battle Rage In Modern Warfare 2- How to Use It?
Players have dived into Modern Warfare 2 since the game was released. The game also has brought lots of new elements for the players to enjoy the gameplay and Battle Rage is one of them. Battle Rage is one of the Field Upgrades players will encounter during a match, but now you may question how to use it.
Well, if you have played COD games before, Field Upgrades are nothing new. You are pretty aware that every Field Upgrade has its unique set of abilities and every Field Upgrade works effectively in certain situations that are suitable for its abilities. Unfortunately, every Field Upgrade can’t help you in every situation. Battle Rage is one of the newly introduced Field Upgrades in the game, and we recommend not to fall for its name.
Battle Rage works entirely different than its name suggests. From the name, it seems it’s an aggressive Field Upgrade that will help you attack opponents, but originally, it gives you resistance and helps you survive during the match. Of course, resistance to Tactical Equipment and HP sustainment gives the skilled players confidence and makes them unstoppable. When enemies surround you and throw grenades, you can use this Field Upgrade and start killing them. It will help you get multiple kills simultaneously.

Along with it, it also increases the Sprint Speed of the players. As much as we know, the effect of Battle Rage stays for more or less 25 seconds. This is enough for skilled players to get kills using increased speed and resistance. One thing to be noted is that Battle Rage provides resistance from Tactical Equipments means Grenades can’t harm you, but while in an enraged state, you’ll get damage from the regular weapons. Battle Rage can’t protect you from these damages.
Now, as we have told you how it works, let’s discuss how you can activate Battle Rage in Modern Warfare 2. It’s as simple as pressing L1+R1 on PlayStation, X on PC, and LB+RB on Xbox. However, players can’t get the Battle rage from the beginning; they need to progress a little before they can access it.
That’s all you need to know about how Battle Rage works in Modern Warfare 2.
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