By now, you may have already done a few runs to get fuel for the base, but it’s not enough and the base is still running dangerously low on fuel. New locations have been identified where you can get additional fuel and like the previous missions, you have to go there and check the fuel levels. Report back your findings and the “A Single Drop” quest will be complete. Keep reading and we will show the map location of all 3 tankers.
Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) A Single Drop Task Guide
Once the task is active, go East of the Shooting Range and Southeast of Midnight Sapphire. Get to the nearest LZ and trek to the Remote Hanger in Pha Lang Airfield. Unfortunately, the nearest LZ is always far for this quest and you must traverse quite a bit on foot. Use the map below to find the Remote Hanger. It’s the location where you will find the first fuel tank.

Once you have checked the Fuel Levels in the first tanker, go past the runway towards the Hanger marked on the map. The second and the third tanker are at the same location and you can view both once you get to the Hanger. Check the fuel levels of both tankers and the quest will be complete for you.
Do note that the Hanger has several AIs and you must clear them before checking the fuel levels. That’s all for this guide, check out the game category for more guides and tips to play GZW.
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