God of War Ragnarok has plenty of puzzles that you need to solve to keep making progress through the game. Different areas have locked gates or unusable lifts, and you need to solve puzzles to get them moving. You will come across one such instance while exploring The Forge with Brok. Brok will comment that to unlock the gate, you need to turn the wheel, but the lift that will take you to the gate is blocked by an indestructible obstacle. In this guide, we will see how to clear the gate near the lift in God of War Ragnarok.
God of War Ragnarok – How to Clear the Gate near the Lift in The Forge
To reach the lift in the Forge to take you up to the gate, you need to clear the obstacle first. Here we will see how to clear the gate near the lift in God of War Ragnarok.
Read More: How to Solve the Water Wheel Puzzle in Aurvangar Wetlands in God of War Ragnarok
You need to clear the entryway for the lift to take you up to the gate. From the lift, head to the right and use the grappling point to pull yourself up. There is a geyser here that you can freeze and get across.

Now go all the way to the other side and climb up the platform. There is another geyser here that you need to freeze. This will enable Brok to get up and turn the wheel to bring the lift down. The lift entryway will be cleared too, so you can head back and take the lift up.

Once you reach the top, exit the lift and turn right, there is a grapple point here to use. Go up there and give the signal for Brok. When the lift goes up, aim at the geyser on the left side and freeze it.

After that, jump down and stand near the gate for Brok to open it.
That’s all there is to know about clearing the gate near the lift in God of War Ragnarok. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.