You will require ascension materials if you want to level up your characters in Genshin Impact, and with the newer characters in update 3.2, you will need some rare items. One of the ascension materials you will require is Puppet Strings, which is a fairly new item to find, hence making it so rare. In this guide, we will see how to get puppet strings in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact – How to Get Puppet Strings
You will need puppet strings to help Nahida with her ascension. Here we will see how to get them in Genshin Impact.
Read More: Genshin Impact 3.2 – How to Connect to Nahida’s Consciousness
Puppet Strings cannot be found while scavenging the wild, but rather you can get it through a boss drop. The boss that you need to look out for is the Scaramouche weekly boss, and upon defeating this boss you will get a variety of rewards like Mirror of Mushin or Daka’s Bell. But before you can run around and find Scaramouche, you need to reach Adventure Rank 35 and complete all the Archon Quests, especially Chapter III: Act V – Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises. This will unlock Joururi Workshop, which is where you can find the Weekly Boss, Scaramouche. You can locate the workshop south of Sumeru City, in Chinhat Ravine.

Once you head inside, you can defeat the Scaramouche boss. You should only attempt this domain if your party level reaches 90. There are two phases to the boss fight, so you should come prepared with any ranged DPS character as well as a healer. You can also take the help of a Neo Akasha Terminal to defeat him.

After defeating Scaramouche, a Trounce Blossom will appear in the middle of the arena. You will need 30 Original Resin to activate it. You can now get the Puppet Strings, as well as various other rewards.
That’s all there is to know about getting Puppet Strings in Genshin Impact. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.