Armor sets are subjective to one’s preferences, and there is a wide variety of sets to adorn your character. In this guide, we will see where to locate the Fingerprint Armor Set in Elden Ring.
Fingerprint Armor Set Location in Elden Ring
Each armor set grants the wearer some unique skills as well as increased scaling and certain stats. Every class in Elden Ring has its own dedicated set of armor to find and use in the game. Here we will see where to locate the Fingerprint Armor set in Elden Ring.
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While some sets are easy to find, the Fingerprint armor set will require you to defeat Vyke the Roundtable Knight and get the armor from him. The Vyke version you are looking for is not the one who will invade you, but rather the boss found at Lord Contender’s Evergaol at the northeast region in Mountaintop of the Giants. To reach the area, head east from Whiteridge Road Site of Grace. You can find it on the frozen lake’s shoreline on the southwest side. It is south of the Spiritcaller’s Cave near the cliffs. You have to walk in to activate the Evergaol and start your fight with Roundtable Knight Vyke. Once defeated, you will get the Fingerprint set as well as the Vyke’s Dragonbolt incantation.
The Fingerprint set scales well with Robustness, giving it 143 scaling in that area. The rest of the stats are pretty mediocre, with 77 Immunity and 55 Vitality. It is still a sturdy armor to use mid to end game.
That’s all there is to know about the Fingerprint Armor set in Elden Ring. If you liked this guide you can check out our other guides as well.