The Dwarven vendors are most sought after for their wares, but most of them have vanished underground during the invasion. In this guide, we will see where we can locate their shelter in Assassin’s Creed, Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok.
Dwarven Shelters Location in Dawn of Ragnarok
If you want to gain access to special dwarven shops, you need to find them first. Since they have taken refuge underground, there isn’t much indication of where they might be. Here we will see where all the Dwarven Shelters in AC: Dawn of Ragnarok are.
Grenhellir Shelter
This shelter is located in the Gullnamar region. You can head to Grenhellir Shelter if you travel south from Synchronization Point or straight north towards the marker. You will find many arrows leading you towards the gold-tipped mountain. Follow it and you will come across a large underground hole that you can find on the north side of the mountain’s base. Jump inside and you will reach the Grenhellir Shelter. You will also be able to unlock a new quest called Crystal Cave.
Hodda Shelter
You can find the Hodda Shelter on the western side of Vangrinn. If you start from the south side, you will be able to spot some golden markers painted on the ground and rocks. This will lead you to the center of the area, where the path through the mountain will lead you to a waterfall. There is a path that leads up the cliff walls. Follow it to get to the Hodda Shelter.
Jordeygr Shelter
You can find Jordeygr Shelter if you travel towards the center of Svaladal. You can get here by heading north from Dimm Mylna raid site and east from Yrkjandi Mylna raid site. There are hand-painted signs all over the area that you can follow. It will soon lead you to another large hold on the ground. If you go down, you will land in water, keep going ahead till you reach Jordeygr Shelter.
These are all the shelter locations in Dawn of Ragnarok. If you liked this guide you can check out our other guides as well.