Dead Island 2 Pablo Location

QM Staff
4 Min Read

If you are looking for some extra challenges and rewards in Dead Island 2, you might want to try some of the sides quests that the game offers. One of these side quests is called Mission Pablo, and it involves finding a person who has gone missing on a zombie-infested island. His name is Pablo, and he could be either alive or dead by now. You will have to search for him and find out his fate. This guide will show you how to find Pablo’s location in Dead Island 2 and complete the Mission Pablo quest.

Read More: How to find room 307 in Dead Island 2, How to get Curtis’s garage keys 

Dead Island 2: Where to Find Pablo?

To find Pablo, players need to follow these steps: 

  1. Players can get the quest from the mission person’s Report board outside Dr Reed’s office
  2. After that, players need to go to Venice Beach and he was seen wearing a green cap and a VCLA Bobcats jersey when he was last time seen. 
  3. After reaching Venice Beach, players need to go to 2 different stores where they can find these 2 items
  • Protein Powder 
  • Insulin needles 
  1. For the Insulin Needles, players need to go to Blue crab grill and then go to Rosa’s tattoo shop. There, players will need to go behind the counter to the cash register and pick up the journal. There players will find that, Pablo is going to Muscle Beach Nutrition 
  2. Go out of the tattoo shop and head towards Southwest until you reach the Muscle Beach Nutrition on the beach  
  3. After that, go to the parking lot and climb to the top building using the pallets
  4. Before climbing go to the garage and get the circuit breaker then climb the building 
  1. There, players will connect the circuit breaker and then open the doors 
  2. After that go inside the shop and get the Protein Please Journal 
  3. Then, players need to go to Gang Green but players need to defeat Doc Marin will go there to get the key to the gate 
  1. After defeating Doc Marin and getting the key to the Gang Green, go to the shop and open the back alley gate. 
  2. After reaching inside, players will find Pablo Dead because of Doc Marin’s trap and they simply need to pick up the journal 
  3. This will complete the side quest and players will get the rewards. 
  4. Rewards include a Fire Axe and 2000 Xp. 

That’s all you need to know about how to find Pablo’s location in Dead Island 2 and complete the Mission Pablo quest. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on Dead Island 2 and various other games.

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