All Plant Fiber Locations in Nightingale

Kirthana K
2 Min Read

You have to scavenge across the realms to find rare materials for crafting your gear and equipment. One of the more common items you might need to get your hands on is Plant Fiber. While it gets easier to find them in the early stages of the game, it can get relatively harder to find the rare and exquisite versions of them. That is why we have compiled this quick guide to help you find all the plant fibers in Nightingale

All Plant Fiber Locations in Nightingale

There are various types of Plant Fiber that you need to find and collect for crafting. Here we will see where to locate all Plant Fibers in Nightingale

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Below are all the plant fiber types you can find along with the exact locations to find them. The more advanced the plant fiber you need to gather, the higher your Sickle’s gear score should be. While exploring Desert biomes, you will have better luck finding Plant Fiber near oasis and where groups of trees and shrubs thrive

Plant Fiber TypeLocation and Biome
Advanced Bound FibreDesert, Swamp, Forest
Bound BristleDesert, Swamp, Forest
CrudeDesert, Swamp, Forest
Tier 1 FiberAntiquarian Desert, Swamp, Forest
Tier 2 FiberAstrolabe/Provisioner Desert, Swamp, Forest
Tier 3 FiberHerbarium Desert, Swamp, Forest
Tier 4 FiberHerbarium Desert, Swamp, Forest
Tier 5 FiberHerbarium Desert, Swamp, Forest
WheatAstrolabe Forest
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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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