Navigating through the dangerous terrains of A Plague Tale: Requiem will make you encounter various enemies, and one of them is the flesh-eating rodents that hide in the darkness. The only way you can get rid of them is to shine a bright source of light on them, but this is only temporary and you will still find yourself surrounded by rats. The other way you can somewhat hold them off till you reach your destination is if you have Pyrite. In this guide, we will see how to get and use Pyrite in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
A Plague Tale Requiem – How to Get and Use Pyrite
Pyrites are minerals that can be found while you go through the various chapters in the game. Here we will see how to get and use Pyrite in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
Read More: A Plague Tale Requiem – How to Clear the Way for Arnaud
The first time you will encounter a Pyrite is in Chapter 5 – In Our Wake. In it, you will have to cross a construction site to get to the boat, but the site is overrun by rats. You need to use your Ignifer pots to set any flammable object around you alight to clear the path. But along the way, you will lose a source of light. It is during this time Lucas will toss you a Pyrite, which gives you temporary light till you can reach higher ground. These minerals can only be found on the walls of caves or deep caverns, and sometimes even in chests. They cannot be crafted, so if you come across them, you have to use them sparingly.

To use a Pyrite, equip it from your crafting tab on your sling. You have to keep swinging it around to get rid of all the rats. Pyrite will also go off very quickly, so you need to reach your destination before it does.
That’s all there is to know about Pyrite and how it works in A Plague Tale: Requiem. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.