Genshin Impact 3.2 introduces Nahida as an obtainable character, and once you get her, you will also require her ascension materials to level her up. One of the items that you will require is the Quelled Creeper, which is a rare item to find. In this guide, we will see where to find the Quelled Creeper ascension material in Genshin Impact 3.2.
Where to Find Quelled Creeper in Genshin Impact 3.2
The Quelled Creeper is a rare ascension material used for Nahida, but it cannot be farmed during exploration. Here we will see where to find the Quelled Creeper in Genshin Impact 3.2.
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The quelled creeper can only be found by defeating the Dendro Hypostasis. Dendro Hypostasis is a World Boss that spawns very frequently, so you can get plenty of chances to defeat and farm the Quelled Creeper from it. You can locate the Dendro Hypostasis south of the Dar al-Shifa in the Sumeru desert, inside a cave under the teleporter. To get to the cave, just head over to the location marked below.

When you get here, you will be right above the cave entrance. Jump off the cliff and glide left to find it.
Enter the cave and keep going till you reach an arena. You will find the Dendro Hypostasis to defeat. To know how to beat it, you can refer to this guide.

As mentioned above, the Dendro Hypostasis respawns in the same location every few minutes, so you can leave and come back here to farm Quelled Creeper. After defeating it the first time, you can check your Adventure Book to locate the boss again.
That’s all there is to know about getting the Quelled Creeper in Genshin Impact 3.2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.