Call of Duty: Warzone 2 has been released, which includes a refreshing take on an already addictive game mode. Whether you play solo or in groups, you’ll find yourself immersed in all-out battles for survival against other gamers.
In Warzone 2, one of the new playlists is Unhinged, which enables players to experience what it means to be a member of a massive game. Players are shuffled to different squads after each round, adding an element of surprise to the traditional 150-player lobby.
Let’s see in this guide about the unhinged mode in Warzone 2.
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What is Unhinged Mode in Warzone 2?
Warzone 2’s Unhinged playlist breaks the barriers of squad dynamics with its newest Assimilation feature. Using this feature, players will be able to join another player’s team for an entire match. With this new feature, you can invite enemies into your squad and fill up spots if someone left a match early. However, it only works in regular Battle Royale mode. In BR Quads, you will only be able to add one person at a time.
The maximum number of players in a squad at any point cannot exceed 6. This addition will surely test your team’s loyalty to each other during this difficult time, while also requiring new strategies if you come up against an enemy faction consisting of 6 players.
In Unhinged BR Trios, you can team up with other enemies to keep six players in your squad. If you and two friends want to have a better chance of winning, ask another group of three players to merge with you or play with you. Invite them using proximity chat or the ping wheel. If they accept, those players will appear under your name list on the match.

It is currently possible for players to choose between the following Warzone 2 playlists: Solos, Duos, Unhinged Trios, Quads, and 3rd Person BR Trios. In the future, this will likely change with updates to battle royale sequels such as this one.
This concludes our guide on the unhinged mode in Warzone 2. Keep checking our other guides to stay updated on the game.