Star Wars Jedi Survivor has a bunch of collectibles you can find during your exploration. While some of them are available in plain sight, others will require some time. There is a collectible that is hidden behind a locked door in Untamed Downs, Rambler’s Reach, but the door is anything but breakable. In this guide we will see how to open the Untamed Downs locked door in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Star Wars Jedi Survivor – How to Open Untamed Downs Door
There is a locked door in Untamed Downs that holds a secret collectible. Here we will see how to open the door in Untamed Downs in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
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You can find the door entrance close to Harvest Ridge. There is a large cliff with a door on the side, and if you hover above it it will be marked as Untamed Downs. The location is also given in the map below.

The easiest way to get here is by heading to the Bygone Settlement meditation circle, then making your way to Harvest Ridge. The door is within sight of Fort Kah’lin, so you can use this as a point to know if you are in the right direction.

Once you reach the door, go a bit to the right side to find a window. If you look through it, you will find a blue fuse. Use the electro dart ability and use it on the fuse. This will unlock the shortcut to get inside the hidden chamber.
Now all that is left is to go inside and unlock the chest to get the BD-1 cosmetic set – Legs of the Swooper. If you like this Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide, you can check out our other guides as well.