Fans of turn-based RPG games shouldn’t miss out on the thrilling gameplay of Sea of Stars. As you explore the world and battle monsters, you will uncover new secrets and new features. Since the game focuses on turn-based battle, you need to know your opponent’s stats. During the start of the game, figuring out the enemy’s health can be confusing, since there is no health bar provided. Luckily, there is a way to check your enemy’s health during battle, and you can do that if you have an Abacus. In this guide we will see how to get and use the Abacus in the Sea of Stars.
Sea of Stars – How to Get and Use Abacus
The Abacus can help you see your enemy’s health bar. Here we will see how to get and use the Abacus in Sea of Stars
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The Abacus is a Ring that you can equip on your character, and you can get this ring very early in the game. There are two ways to get the Abacus, one is inside a chest and the other is by buying it from a vendor. If you wish to find the Abacus for free, play through the introduction till the part where Garl joins your party. This will take place in the Mountain Trail section of the map.

After Garl’s introduction, make your way north to find a safe point next to the cave. On the right side is a climbable wall where you can get rare armor, so pick that up before you venture into the cave. Once inside the cave, defeat the enemy Luslugs, then scale the wall. Once you reach the top, turn around to the left and you will find the chest containing the Abacus.
If you have advanced further into the game, you can still get this ring from a vendor at Stonemason’s Outpost. You will reach this point as part of the story campaign, so you won’t miss it. Find the vendor in the area and purchase the ring. It will cost 36G to get it. Once you have the ring, equip it on your character to see the enemy’s hit bar.
That’s all there is to know about the Abacus in the Sea of Stars. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.