In Modern Warfare 3, you can now pick up new trophies and achievements while completing the various campaign missions. Some of the trophies can be quickly acquired by following the main story, but others will need some thinking to get them. One of the trophies you can add to your collection is the Think She’ll Notice? Achievement, where you need to destroy all of the cars in the mansion garage in ‘Oligarch’. In this guide we will see how to get the Think She’ll Notice trophy in Modern Warfare 3.
Modern Warfare 3 – Think She’ll Notice? Trophy/Achievement Guide
You need to find and destroy 6 cars kept in the garage near the mansion in mission Oligarch. Here we will see how to get the Think She’ll Notice achievement in MW3.
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At the start of the mission, run to the north side of the map to find a mansion. You can attempt to get this trophy only at the start of the mission, and if you picked up the mission objective, then you would have to reload or redo the mission to get the trophy. Before you enter the mansion, there is an open garage on the left side. You will find all the cars parked here. Now all you have to do is destroy all the cars inside the garage. There is no required weapon listed to complete the mission, so you can use anything you have at hand. You can also toss some grenades to quickly destroy all the cars and get this achievement.
That’s all there is to know about getting the Think She’ll Notice trophy in Modern Warfare 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.