Lords of the Fallen – Griefbound Rowena Boss Fight Guide

Kirthana K
5 Min Read

There are a handful of optional bosses you might want to run into just for their loot. One of the optional bosses you can find later in the game is Griefbound Rowena. You can find her just after defeating another optional boss before her, the Kinrangr Guardian Folard. If you wish to defeat Griefbound Rowena quickly, then this guide will cover all the ways to do it. In this guide we will see how to defeat Griefbound Rowena in Lords of the Fallen.

Lords of the Fallen – Griefbound Rowena Boss Fight Guide

Griefbound Rowena is another frost dealing boss, but now you would be pretty prepared for her encounter. Here we will see how to defeat Griefbound Rowena in Lords of the Fallen

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Griefbound Rowena Location

You can spot Griefbound Rowena in the Fief of the Chill Curse area. Her arena is right after Kinrangr Guardian Folard’s boss fight. After defeating Folard, keep going deep into the area till you find a ladder next to the Vestige of Loash. Climb it, then quickly run through the area since there are several snipers hidden around the vicinity. Keep running till you find a Vestige point to plant a seed. Head right from there till you come across a bridge to cross. Run through the bridge and keep running past the enemies till you reach the ledge. Fall off the ledge and enter the ruined building on the right to find Griefbound Rowena.

Griefbound Rowena Fight Preparation

Just like Folard, Rowena also uses frost damage and ice attacks that can create the Frostbite debuff. Carrying Frostbite Cures and Frostbite Resistance Balms will help you mitigate the debuff. Also, Rowena is weak to fire damage, so Fire Salts and maybe even Holy Salts can help with the fight. It is best to use spells and ranged attacks, since it might get hard to get close to her.

Griefbound Rowena Fight Guide

  • Griefbound Rowena won’t always fight on her own, and she will summon some minions at the beginning of the fight. 
  • You can safely ignore all the minions, since they do minimal damage and they just want you to stay away from her
  • If you get too overwhelmed, then you can quickly get rid of the minions before making your way over.
  • Her main attacks are ranged, so she will summon icy shards from the ground, or even toss projectiles
  • Usually you will notice a pattern appear on the ground before the shards errupt from it
  • Once you spot the pattern, quickly roll out of the way as you will be quickly inflicted with Frostbite
  • She will also release ice shards in a line, which you should avoid or roll away from
  • To avoid her projectiles, you can hide behind the broken walls and other objects within the arena
  • You need to keep moving close to her and land one hit and back away. If you linger around her for too long, she will release an AoE and teleport away, causing damage
  • If you see shards of ice surround her, back away and deal ranged damage instead
  • Once the aura disappears and she starts firing projectiles, roll towards her while avoiding the flying shards to land some hits. 
  • Keep rolling, dodging, and running close to attack her and bring her health down
  • It is best to hide behind obstacles and deal ranged damage as well

That’s all there is to know about Griefbound Rowena in Lords of the Fallen. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.

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