Lords of the Fallen – Infernal Enchantress Boss Fight Guide

Kirthana K
5 Min Read

Lords of the Fallen does offer an array of bosses that you will encounter during your journey. As you make progress, it gets increasingly tougher to beat them. Later on during your journey, you will encounter the Infernal Enchantress. You need to defeat her to make progress in the game. The fight may seem tough, but there are some tricks you can use to beat her. In this guide we will see how to beat the Infernal Enchantress in Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen – Infernal Enchantress Boss Fight Guide

The Infernal Enchantress might seem like a handful, but you can quickly defeat her using our tips. Here we will see how to beat the Infernal Enchantress in Lords of the Fallen

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Infernal Enchantress location

You will find the Infernal Enchantress while exploring the burning village in Lower Calrath. You can find this place if you travel from the Vestige of Sebastian and follow the street on your right. After your initial fight, you will encounter her two more times; once at Upper Calrath and another time at Bramis Castle.

Infernal Enchantress Fight Preparation

As her name suggests, she does use flame and ignite to cause damage. You can prepare yourself by using Ignite Cure, Burn Cure, and Burn Resistance consumables. Also, embedding your weapon with Holy Salts or Frostbite Salts will also help with additional damage

Infernal Enchantress Fight Guide

Before you begin, you need to destroy the Umbral orbs around the arena first. You can enter Umbra to find them all. There are five of them that you need to find and destroy.

  • The first one is on the left side of the stairs before you enter the arena. Scale the wall to find it
  • Make your way to the opposite direction to burst the second one
  • The third one can be found on the bottom left side of the arena, right side of the bridge, near some crates
  • The fourth one can be spotted at the right side edge of the arena, near the burning buildings
  • The last one can be found right behind the Infernal Enchantress’ spawn point

Once those are destroyed, you can start the fight with the Infernal Enchantress

  • Ranged attacks will help you more here, as it is hard to get close to her
  • She has no melee attacks, and will mostly use ranged attacks
  • If you get too close to her, she will bring out a flamethrower move that will burn you directly
  • If you spot her raising her hands, run far away as several explosive lava bombs will appear
  • She can also suddenly teleport and reappear behind you. Camera tracking is advised
  • Her other move is to summon one mid sized fireball to attack you. Dodge it when you see it approach
  • She might also eventually perform an AoE attack that will cause explosive fire damage on a large radius. You will know she is about to perform this move when she starts glowing and charging up
  • You should run as far away as possible to avoid this move
  • The only window where you can attack her with melee is after is done spewing explosive lava bombs around the area. She stops her animation for a few seconds after this move, which is enough to hit her.
  • But to quickly bring her down, try to go for ranged attacks and spells

That’s all there is to know about defeating the Infernal Enchantress in Lords of the Fallen. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.

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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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