Your journey in Jagged Alliance 3 brings new mishaps and situations to tackle. As you encounter NPCs, you can choose their outcomes. One of the NPCs you will meet is Pierre, the chief of the first fort in the game. There are several options to choose from when meeting him, and each will give you a different outcome. In this guide we’ll see all Pierre’s choices explained in Jagged Alliance 3.
Jagged Alliance 3 Pierre Guide – All Choices Explained
There are some choices you can make when meeting Pierre in the game. Here are all Pierre’s choices explained in Jagged Alliance 3.
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You will meet Pierre when you visit Fort L’eau Bleu and attack it. But before that, visit Ernie village to meet and talk to Pierre’s father, Luc. This will start the quest to find Pierre, as Luc will tell you not to kill his son. It should be noted that if you wish to recruit Pierre later on, you need to fulfil the following conditions.
- Obtain the Machine Gun after conquering the H3 Bunker
- Meet Deedee in I3 and convince her to leave the Legion without supplies. You can do this if your explosive skill is high

If all the above requirements are met, visit Fort L’eau Bleue on Ernie Island. Try to get inside the fort through the back after crossing the minefield and climbing up the ladder. There aren’t many enemies here, so you can easily make your way to Pierre’s hideout. Once you meet him, be careful not to kill him while fighting, or else it will lock you out of the different options.
When Pierre’s health halved, he will surrender. You can now decide whether to kill him or spare him. If you kill him, the quest and recruiting him will end. You will also not receive any rewards from his father. If you spare him, you will get some diamonds from Luc and can recruit Pierre later in the game
That’s all there is to know about Pierre choices in Jagged Alliance 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.