Sonic Frontiers is the newest installment of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, where players will need to explore and collect the treasure of Starfall Island. It is a platform game released in 2022, as there are plenty of fans of the Sega franchise. In this guide, we will take you through the process of how to do a drop dash in Sonic Frontiers.
How to Do a Drop Dash in Sonic Frontiers
There are a lot of moves that you will be able to learn in Sonic Frontiers, with more unlocking as you progress in the game. These are mostly all useful so it’s a good idea to learn how to do all of them. In some cases, you will need to perform a particular move, so if you are wondering how to do the drop dash, you are in the right place.
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The Drop Dash is one of the signature moves in the franchise and it is quite popular among the players already from the previous installments of Sonic. Fans will be glad to know that it is returning in Sonic Frontiers for players to use.
Performing moves is quite simple in Sonic Frontiers once you get the hang of them. The drop dash is no different, and you will be able to pick it up quickly. The first thing that you need to do to begin the move is to jump. Press the jump button twice for a double jump, which will get you to a certain height that is needed for this particular move.
Once you have performed a double jump, you are at the right height for the drop dash. Now, you will need to press down the jump button which is the Space Bar on PC. If you are on Xbox, it is A while for PlayStation players it is the X button. You will see that Sonic is spinning faster. When he hits the ground, he will dash forward, which is the drop dash. It is used for attacking as well as destroying boxes.