Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Lego and Star Wars themed action-adventure game which has finally been released, and players can delve into the world of collecting rare items as they explore. This guide will take you through the process of how to destroy gold blocks in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
How to Destroy Gold Blocks in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
As you play the action-adventure game of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you might come across some objects that you’re not sure what to do with, but you don’t need to worry. As it is an open-world game with collecting items being one of the main features, you can always return to find out if you’ve missed something.
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Gold blocks are an object that you will come across that you might not be able to decipher at first because you need something special to interact with them. They have a secret concealed behind them, which means that the blocks need to be opened or broken to reveal the mystery.
The game doesn’t explain what you have to do with them, but you will eventually learn as you play more. During the main quest, you might not be able to open it, but you can return during the free play mode to see what’s inside. All you need is a Bounty Hunter character.
There are 16 such characters in the game, and some of them are Aurra Sing, Carib Diss and Jango Fett. Once you have obtained a Bounty Hunter, you can equip them into your team and rediscover these gold blocks. Fire at it with your character until it begins to glow and finally, explode. Once the explosion has dissipated, you will be able to collect the treasure inside. Sometimes, you will get lucky and find the rare Kyber Bricks which are translucent blue blocks.