How to Get Miners Helmet in LOTR Return to Moria

QM Staff
2 Min Read

Players will be looking to make the best equipment for themself to make their fights and exploration easier. One of the best pieces of equipment for this role is going to be the Miners Helmet, this helmet provides protection as well as provide a light source for the players. This Helmet has a Candle holder on its top so players now don’t need to use torches to light their surroundings. This guide will show you How to get a Miners Helmet in LOTR Return to Moria. 

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How to get Miners Helmet in Return to Moria

In order to get one of the best Helmet called Miners Helmet, players need to follow these steps: 

  1. Players first need to start the quest where they will be tasked to collect honey for the first time (early game) 
  2. Then players need to do the quest and it will lead to another quest which will provide the recipe for the Miner helmet 
  3. Now that, players have the recipe for crafting the Miners Helmet 
  4. They need to go back to their base and then go to the Workbench
  5. The workbench now will show players the Miners Helmet
  6. To make the Miners Helmet, players need to collect the following items: 
  • Iron Ingot 
  • Cloth Scraps 
  • Cave Honey 
  1. After collecting these items ( these items are all found in the Lowers deep)
  2. Players can wear the Miners Helmet now and this helmet not only provides light but also provides protection in the battles as well. 

That’s all you need to know about How to get Miners Helmet in LOTR Return to Moria. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria and various other games.

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