The further you progress in the game, the more technologies you can unlock. Later on in the game, you can unlock the ice cellar to store your food, which helps in preserving it and elongating its shelf life. One of the main components of the ice cellar is ice to help keep the device cool. But ice cannot be crafted, rather you need to locate an ice ore and mine ice. In this guide we will see how to get ice in Soulmask
How to Get Ice in Soulmask
You will require ice to prevent your food from spoiling. Here we will see how to get ice in Soulmask
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The only way you can farm ice is to venture into the Snow biome on the northwestern section of the map. Once you have unlocked the mysterious portal within the region, make your way to the lake just north of it. You will spot blocks of ice floating on the water’s surface. Once you spot these ice blocks, you can start farming ice by using your pickaxe. Just start mining ice the same way you would for any ore, and you can teleport back quickly to your base to use it
Another way to collect ice is to explore barracks. The barracks within the icy frost biome may have ice if you loot their chests. But you need to level up drastically before you can tackle the enemies within. Once you reach level 50, you can take a chance of taking down these barracks and looting their chests. Take the ice back to your ice cellar and use it, after which you can store food in it and prevent it from spoiling quickly.
That’s all there is to know about getting ice in Soulmask. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well