How To Get Hacksilver Faster in God of War Ragnarok

QM Staff
3 Min Read

God of War Ragnarok was released a few hours back, and players have already started to explore the world of the game. The setting of the game is huge and includes tons of things to do. Therefore, it is impossible to explore everything within a few hours.

God of War Ragnarok has brought back many previous features and items, and Hacksilver is one of them. Hacksilver is the in-game currency of God of War Ragnarok, and players require it for many reasons. This guide will help you know how to get Hacksilver fast in God of War Ragnarok.

Best Ways to Get Hacksilver in God of War Ragnarok- Fastest Methods

In-game currencies are nothing new in video games. Generally, every video game has in-game currencies, and God of War is no exception. Every God of War game has the Hacksilver as in-game currency that players need to purchase new items, equipment, and supplies. So, it is pretty natural that players need to have Hacksilvers faster.

As much as we figured out until now, getting Hacksilver in God of War Ragnarok is not at all challenging. Almost everything from searching chests to selling items will give Hacksilvers. Below we have listed the ways you can get Hacksilvers-

Complete Quests

Generally, completing quests, missions and Favors give players rewards which most of the time include Hacksilvers. So, play through the Main Story mission and complete as many missions, Favors, and quests to get Hacksilvers.

Search Chests

Chests are one of the most effective ways to get Hacksilvers. Almost every chest, except for the Nornir Chests, give Hacksilvers. Therefore, search every chest possible to find Hacksilvers.

How to Get Hacksilver Faster in God of War Ragnarok

Sell Old Gear

Selling old gear is another effective way to get lots of Hacksilvers together. So whenever you get a chance or have some requirement for Hacksilver, sell the old gear you don’t need anymore. Additionally, in the shops, players can sell other items, like artifacts and collectibles, to get Hacksilver.

Destroy Random Objects

Players can find some Hacksilvers by destroying random objects during solving puzzles or roaming around the world. There are jars or barrels that players destroy to get a few Hacksilvers.

How to Get Hacksilver Faster in God of War Ragnarok

These are the main ways to get Hacksilvers in God of War Ragnarok. Except for these, as you progress through the main story and explore new realms, you’ll get Hacksilvers. Hacksilvers need players to grind a lot but not to complete extra activities. Even if players simply progress through the game, they still get enough Hacksilver to purchase equipment and items.

Read Next: How To Get the Legendary Chest at Althjof’s Rig in God of War Ragnarok, How to Break the Green Metals in God of War Ragnarok.

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