Crafting and upgrading are the two most important features in action-adventure games, and Final Fantasy is no exception. If you have played previous Final Fantasy games, you are aware that these games always feature the crafting and upgrading system, and Final Fantasy 16 also has these features. However, crafting and upgrading require the necessary materials, and Gelatinous Mass is one of them. So, this guide will help players know how to get Gelatinous Mass in Final Fantasy 16.
Final Fantasy 16 Gelatinous Mass Location- Where to Find?
If you have been grinding through Final Fantasy 16, you are aware that this game has loads of things to explore and experience. However, to explore and experience the gameplay, players need to progress through the game, and it is impossible without powerful weapons and armor. The initial weapons and armor can’t be suitable for further progress, so players must craft new or upgrade the initial weapons and armor.
Read Next: How to Get Stormcry Unique Weapon in Final Fantasy 16
If you are trying to craft Drakeslayer’s Bracelets, you need several materials, including Gelatinous Mass. This is a rare crafting material in the game; players can’t find it randomly anywhere. The only way to get Gelatinous Mass is to complete the Muddy Murder Hunt and beat Flan Prince. Muddy Murder Hunt is a Notorious Mark in the game, and players can accept it while doing the “Bolts from the Blue” main quest.
Finding the Notorious Mark Bosses is not easy. Flan Prince can be found close to Hawk’s Cry Cliff Obelisk in The Imperial Province of Rosaria. We have an entire guide if you are confused about the Flan Prince location. You can follow the following guide to locate Flan Prince- Where to Find Flan Prince in Final Fantasy 16.

This is a Rank A enemy with several deadly attacks. This enemy can’t move faster but can attack you from any distance with his hands. So, you must have your best weapons and armor to survive and win the fight. Once you defeat the boss, you will get several rewards, including Gelatinous Mass. As you get the item you are looking for, go to the Blacksmith, and you need to have Scarletite, Dragon Talon, 20 Briar Clam Shells, and Gelatinous Mass to craft the Drakeslayer’s Bracelet.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Gelatinous Mass in Final Fantasy 16.