Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been running for almost a month now, and players have still been exploring the game to get various items and complete activities. Besides capturing Pokemon and filling up the Pokedex, there are lot players can do in both games. To collect Pokemon, players need Pokeballs, and these games feature different types of balls to capture Pokemon, including Apricorn Balls. This guide will help you know how to get Apricorn Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Apricorn Ball Locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet- How to Get?
If you are a veteran player, you have seen Apricorn Balls previously, but for new players also, Apricorn Balls are nothing unique. You have definitely seen them but probably don’t know the common term for them. Apricorn Ball is an umbrella term for the following Balls-
- Heavy Ball,
- Friend Ball,
- Lure Ball,
- Moon Ball,
- Dream Ball
- Fast Ball
- Beast Ball
- Level Ball
All these seven balls come under the Apricorn Ball. So, Apricorn Ball is not a single ball; it’s a term to indicate these above-mentioned balls. All these Balls have some unique quality. For example, Fast Ball captures Pokemon that escape faster; Friend Ball makes Wild Pokemon your friends; Moon Ball captures Pokemon that can be evolved using Moon Stone, etc.

So, if you are looking for Apricorn Ball, there are more or less three ways to do that, and below we have listed all the ways-
- We begin the acquiring process with the expensive method. Go to Porto Marinada, and visit the Auction House to see whether any shop has Apricorn Balls to sell. This method is random and expensive. You may take a few attempts to get Apricorn Balls through Auction Houses.
- Next comes an easy way to get Apricorn Balls, and that’s filling up the Pokedex. As you progress through the game and add more Pokemon to your Pokedex, your Pokedex will also level up, and you’ll get rewards, including Apricorn Balls. The First Apricorn Ball- Fast Ball will be given after you add 240 Pokemon to your Pokedex. Next, you’ll get Friend Ball and Level Ball, respectively, by adding 260 and 280 Pokemon to the Pokedex. Last you’ll get the Beast Ball by registering 400 Pokemon.
- Finally, there’s another way to get Apricorn Ball is to participate and progress through the Academy Ace Tournament in your school. However, this is the Post-game method, and when you can get Apricorn Balls easily during your journey, you don’t need to wait until then.
These are the three ways to get Apricorn Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. If you are looking for the Apricorn Balls, we recommend trying the Pokedex method first, as it is free and easy.
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