Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were released a few weeks back, and to date, players are still grinding to find Pokemon or collect TM or other items to prepare their Pokemon for battles. These games have brought a few previous-gen Pokemon, so many players are curious whether they can get Hisuian Decidueye in Pokemon Scalet and Violet.
This guide will help you with this answer.
Can I Have Hisuian Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
Hisuian Pokemon were introduced in Pokemon Legends: Arceus and gained immense popularity. After Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have brought back a few Pokemon from Pokemon Legends: Arceus, players are now curious to know whether their favorite Pokemon are also in these games.
If you have been a Pokemon fan for a long time, you are aware that Decidueye is an exclusive Hisuian Pokemon and the final evolved form of Rowlet. Unfortunately, though this Pokemon was a fan favorite, you can’t get it in Scarlet and Violet. That’s because the Hisui region of Pokemon Legend: Arceus was an ancient region, and the game took players long back to the ancient period to capture the exclusive Hisuian Pokemon like Rowlet. In Scarlet and Violet, again, players have been taken to time travel and come to the modern-time, Paldea region, where Pokemon like Rowlet don’t exist. So, there’s no way you can capture Rowlet and evolve it to Decidueye.

However, don’t be upset; even if you can’t capture Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you can transfer it from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. These games have a feature called Pokemon Home that allows players to bring their favorite Pokemon from previous games of the series to Scarlet and Violet and Vice versa. Of course, the Pokemon you want to transfer must be in your Pokedex. Unfortunately, Pokemon Home is an upcoming feature that will probably come during Spring 2023. Once it comes, players can bring their Decidueye to Scarlet and Violet, but until then, there’s no way to get Hisuian Decidueye to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Hisuian Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This mighty Pokemon exists in the past, so, in the natural process, you can’t get it in the Paldea region.
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