There are three types of perks you can utilize while playing Modern Warfare 2, but out of all of them, the best one you can use are the Ultimate Perks. You can get these perks while playing a match, but this applies to everyone, even the enemy team. So while you think you got the best Ultimate Perk there is, someone else could have beaten you to it. Nevertheless, utilizing Ultimate Perks in a match will help you progress a bit quicker, and in this guide, we will see how to get and use Ultimate Perks in Modern Warfare 2.
How to Get and Use Ultimate Perks in Modern Warfare 2
The only difference between Ultimate Perks with Basic and Bonus perks is the fact that Ultimate Perks can be obtained during a match after a certain amount of time has passed. Here we will see how to get and use ultimate perks in Modern Warfare 2.
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Obtaining Ultimate Perks is a simple process, you just have to play any match, and every 8 minutes you can get a perk. You will know if you have obtained any by checking your HUD. You will automatically activate the perk upon receiving it. To shorten the time needed to receive the perk, you will have to play the match aggressively, and getting more kills and completing objectives will shorten the time needed to regenerate an Ultimate Perk. For every 10 points you score, you can wipe off one second from the timer. If you want to know what Ultimate Perks will be available in a match, you can check your loadouts beforehand to see what would help you out.

Below we will take a look at all the ultimate perks and what they do in MW2.
- Ghost – Helps you stay undetected when you come under enemy radars and sensors
- High Alert – Makes your vision to pulsate when an enemy outside your FOV spots you
- Overclock – Increases Field Upgrade charging rate by up to 40%, effectively having another Field Upgrade
- Survivor – Helps in self revival after death, but only once per life. Also helps in quick teammate revival
- Hardline – Reduces Killstreak and Scorestreak target score, which is 1 kill reduction for killstreak and 125 cost reduction for scorestreak
- Bird’s Eye – Enables enemy target pings and zooms out of the map, giving you a clearer view.
That’s all there is to know about Ultimate Perks in Modern Warfare 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.