Soulmask offers two ways to teleport around the map that you can use for ease of travel. There are personal portals and mysterious portals that will help you fast travel to various locations. But to unlock these portals, you need to either craft them or locate them on the map. In this guide we will see how to fast travel in Soulmask
How to fast travel in Soulmask
There are two portal types that will help you fast travel in the game. Here we will see how to fast travel in soulmask
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The two types of portals you can unlock are the personal portals and the mysterious portals. You would have encountered mysterious portals around the map as glowing blue arch icons. These portals are fixed and can be accessed only within these regions. Personal portals, on the other hand, can be crafted and placed wherever you wish. Below are some key differences between the two portals
Personal Portals

To craft personal portals, you can collect the portal parts by raiding dungeons. The Ancient Ruins and Holy Ruins are two such dungeons that are guaranteed to give you portal parts. There are 3 – 6 parts to collect and assemble. It can be heavy, so use a mount to transport them to your base. Once you have set up the portal, you can place them anywhere on the map.
But these portals won’t work for extreme long distances, rather it is great for short distance travel. The drawback to using personal portals is that you need to have an empty inventory before you can hop in. Any equipped item is fine, but deployed mounts and inventory items should be left behind
Mysterious Portals

These portals spawn in fixed locations, and you have to find them first and activate them before you can use them. There is no restriction on load and inventory items, so you are free to travel long distances with any goods on you. But you need to grind for green crystals, as only then can you activate the portal. You require 3 green crystals per portal activation.
Green crystals can be farmed by killing Temple Guardians or by scavenging chests within dungeons, ruins, and barbarian camps. Once you have the mysterious portals unlocked, you can travel vast distances between key locations. You are allowed to bring a mount with you as well, making transportation less of a hassle while using these portals.
That’s all there is to know about fast travel in Soulmask. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well