COD is one of the most played action-shooting games. Since the series started, it has only got increased popularity. Recently a few days back, the reboot version of Moden Warfare 2, 2009, was released and brought tons of new features for players. Though the Camo feature is not new in Modern Warfare 2, players are excited to Get Camos for their weapons and make them look unique. This guide will help you know how you can easily complete 50 Kills and progress one step to get the first Camo for your weapons.
“Get 50 Kills” Base Camo Challenge in Modern Warfare 2- How to Complete?
If you have seen other players showing off their Camo in the lobby, it is natural you will also want to do the same. Though having Camo on your weapon can’t give you any extra advantages, you can still get a shiny look on your weapons. Additionally, these Camos show the time and effort players invest in the game, as getting Camo is extremely difficult.
Modern Warfare 2 features four Mastery Camo- Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion and they unlock sequentially one by one. To unlock Mastery Camos, first, you need to complete the Base Camo Challenges, and the first Base Camo Challenge for every weapon is to get 50 kills with that weapon. Remember, these 50 kills must be done with the weapon you want to unlock the Camo for.
This is probably the most straightforward Base Camo Challenge. Getting 50 kills is nothing complicated, as it doesn’t require you to get the kills in a single match or with one life. It’s just like every kill you score during a match. That can be a kill from behind, a Crouched kill, a point-blank kill, or anything. To complete this challenge, players must play as they used to and kill as many enemies as possible, remember, with the same weapon.

If you want to get the kills faster, we recommend players to play objective modes like Domination or Invasion. Invasion is an excellent map with too many scopes to reach the required kill count. Getting 50 kills will be easier there, as it is the same as leveling up the weapon. Players need to kill enemies and get XP to level up a weapon, so it is the same as what the first Base Camo Challenge requires. Therefore, don’t get stressed about completing this challenge. After you unlock the 50 kills challenge for any weapon, try to level up the weapon, and during this process, you’ll get your 50 kills.
That’s all you need to know about getting 50 kills in Modern Warfare 2 to complete the Base Camo Challenge. Of course, the time depends on the skill of the players and the weapon they are using. If you are trying to complete it for ARs, or Sniper Rifles, you may reach the count faster, while the same thing will take more time with LMGs, or Marksman Rifles.
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