There are several shrines you will encounter while exploring the world of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. One of the shrines you need to complete is the Jonsau Shrine. There is a hidden chest that holds a special item, so solving the shrine will help you with that. In this guide we will see how to complete Jonsau Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
How to Do Jonsau Shrine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – Deep Force
Jonsau Shrine is one of the shrines you will encounter during your journey. Here we will see how to complete Jonsau Shrine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Read More: How to Solve the Sinakawak Shrine Puzzle in Zelda

To find Jonsau Shrine (1744, 0017, 0025) you should head over to the Lanayru Wetlands. The shrine can be noticed if you head east of Lookout Landing. To reach the shrine, cross the river using a boat then use the path ahead to reach it.
Jonsau Shrine Puzzle Solution in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
- Inside the shrine, use Ultrahand on the steel ball on the left side
- Drag the ball and dunk it into the water underneath the magnetic plate
- Release the ball to let it get latched to the magnetic plate
- The gate ahead will open up

- Go through the gate and pick up the chest in the water on your left side. You will get the strong construct bow
- Carry the large ball from the previous area and bring it with you
- You will find a raft and another magnetic plate

- Dunk the ball into the water underneath the plate and let go
- In the next area, carry the raft with you and place it in the water underneath the platform above
- Use Ascend ability to get up to the top of the platform
- Glide down to the other side towards the exit

That’s all there is to know about solving Jonsau Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.