God of War Ragnarok gives Kratos added abilities in the form of enchantments and consumables. One of the consumables you can find is Horn of Mead, and they are also collectible items along with Idunn Apples. Horn of Mead can give Kratos additional Rage, so it is worth taking your time to find them all. In this guide, we will see where to locate all the Svartalfheim Horn of Mead in God of War Ragnarok.
God of War Ragnarok – All Svartalfheim Horn of Mead Locations
There is 5 Horn of Mead located in Svartalfheim, and you can collect them by locating Nornir Chests. Here we will see where to locate them all in God of War Ragnarok.
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Aurvangar Wetlands Horn of Blood Mead Location in God of War Ragnarok

You can find Nornir Chest #2 which contains the Horn of Mead near the gate just after you enter Svartalfheim. You can get here during the Quest for Tyr, right after you cross the river and get into the tunnel on the left side. To solve the puzzle and open the chest, you have to hit three runes spinners found in the area. The have to match the symbol found at the post of the rune spinner. The first rune spinner can be found on the right side of the chest, on a cliff. You have to Freeze the geyser below to read the symbol and match the image. From there, head left and over look the cliff, the second rune spinner can be found here. After that, head down the cliff edge and run left through the tunnel. Look to your right to find a grappling point. Hoist yourself up and turn immediately right to find the last rune.

Radsvinn Rig Horn of Blood Mead Location in God of War Ragnarok

As you continue through the Quest for Tyr, you will find Nornir Chest #5 after getting off the boat and heading right in the Bay of Bounty area. There are three brazier runes that you need to light up. You can light them up using the Blades of Chaos and pressing L2 and R2. The first one can be found on the left side of the chest, the second one is to the right of the chest, hidden behind some barrels. You need to use Atreus’ Sonic arrow to shoot at the barrel to reveal the second brazier rune behind it. The last one can be found further right, through an archway. It is locked behind a gate to your left. Look behind from where you came from, on the archway is a grapple point. Use it to hoist yourself up, then face the rune. There is a red explosive beside it that you can use, hit the explosive to light up the last rune.

Jarnsmida Pitmines Horn of Blood Mead Location in God of War Ragnarok

During the Quest for Tyr, after talking to Durlin and heading to Jarnsmida Pitmines, you can find Nornir Chest #6 after grappling your way through the cargo containers. There are braziers that you need to light on top of the three runes. You can light them up using the Blades of Chaos and pressing L2 and R2. The first rune is found left of the chest. After that, drop down on your left side and recall your ax to find a grapple point. This will start the water flow of the canal you blocked earlier and bring up a crane lift. Use the lift to get across and light up the second rune. For the last one, head back to where the water wheel was and freeze the canal again. Then hit the last brazier at the bottom of the wheel.

The Forge Horn of Blood Mead Location in God of War Ragnarok
You need to complete the Forging Destiny quest before you can attempt to locate Nornir Chest #8.

After talking to Freya, go back and head right, you will find a spear symbol on the platform to get on top. On the left side you will find a green heart shape image on a rock, in front of that is the chest. The first rune you need to hit is found on the left side, across the cliff from where you stand. The second one is on the opposite side of it, to your right. For the last one, you have to go back past the green heart, head left till you come across a wooden post. The last rune can be found on top.

The Applecore Horn of Blood Mead Location in God of War Ragnarok
You need to complete the Forging Destiny quest before you can attempt to locate Nornir Chest #10.

Using the ferry, enter the Applecore from Aurvangar Wetlands through the Sverd Sands. This will be your second entry to Applecore. Use the lift to reach the next area and continue down the path. Keep going till you see a spear-like symbol on the right side, you can climb up this area. You can find the last chest on top here. The first rune can be found at a distance. You will spot a canal to the right of the chest, if you freeze it you can uncover the first rune to hit. The second rune is found to the left of the chest, near some shelves. The final rune can be found behind you, beside the Yggdrasil Rift. Next to the rift are some red explosives, hit them to give way to the last rune.

That’s all there is to know about the Svartalfheim Horn of Mead Locations in God of War Ragnarok. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.