Some users playing Apex Legends on Steam and Origin clients are experiencing an unusually long load time. They get the infinite black screen and after a while, the game fails to load. Sometimes with an error code such as .net. The problem occurs when you boot up the game and are in the Main Menu, but the game does not go past that and you are stuck in the loading cycle with the red logo.
Nothing seems to work to resolve the issue such as rebooting the game, clearing cache, even reinstalling the game, and anti-cheat. If you have encountered the Apex Legends infinite black screen or long load times, we have a solution you can try.
Apex Legends – How to Fix Infinite Black Screen or Long Load Times
The problem started to occur after the recent patch of the game about a week back. While the season 9 launch was bugged, the issue did not seem to emerge then, which suggests the latest patch has some coding problem that’s causing this issue on certain systems. But, the problem is not widespread so it could also be certain system specifications that are leading to the bug.
The developers have not acknowledged the issue yet nor is there enough evidence to come to a conclusion. However, there is a fix for the solution that seems to work for some users.
It appears that the cause of the issue is the CPU consumption when you launch Apex Legends. Regardless of your system specification, when you launch Apex Legends, the CPU usage goes very high and at that moment if you try to join a game, it would lead to the Apex Legends Infinite Black Screen or Long Load Times.
The solution is to wait for the CPU consumption to come below 30%. You can monitor this from the task manager. When the CPU usage goes below 30%, jump into a match and you should not encounter long load times.