Backpack Battles

Latest Backpack Battles News

How To Get Bloodthorne in Backpack Battles

Backpack Battles is all about crafting the right items to use in…

Kirthana K Kirthana K

How to Craft Stone Helm in Backpack Battles

There are tons of crafting recipes to unlock the more you play…

Kirthana K Kirthana K

How to Get Whetstones in Backpack Battles

Different classes in Backpack Battles require new items from the store. These…

Kirthana K Kirthana K

How to Craft Staff of Unhealing in Backpack Battles

Backpack Battles offers a variety of crafting combinations as long as you…

Kirthana K Kirthana K

All Playing Cards and Effect in Backpack Battles

While playing as a Reaper, you get a chance to add the…

Kirthana K Kirthana K

Backpack Battles Multiplayer and Coop Explained

You can test your item crafting and inventory skills while playing Backpack…

Kirthana K Kirthana K