With the new region release of Fontaine in Genshin Impact Version 4.0, we have new world quests that take us through the histories and mysteries of the nation for our travellers to discover. Most of these world quests contain at least a few tricky bits that are difficult to grasp unless you’re an expert puzzle-solver which most of us aren’t. That’s where we come in to guide you through an ordeal we’ve already been through.

Ann of the Narzissenkreuz is a rather large world questline that can be obtained from a small Oceanid creature in the southwest waters of the Court of Fontaine. You begin the quest by helping out a small Oceanid with saving her friends and beginning The Narzissenkreuz Adventure. This is followed by a small quest called Kingdom Through The Looking Glass which takes place within the domain. Finally, you end the questline with the epilogue quest simply called If She No Longer Dreams of You. Act 2 is tricky because you’re left stuck in a loop and have to figure a way out of it.
How to Solve Act 2: Kingdom Through The Looking Glass in Ann of the Narzissenkreuz Questline

In this quest, you’re inside a domain that comes after you climb the Tower where Ms. Lyris was supposed to have been sleeping. When you first enter, your attention is drawn towards a strange and ornate tile that looks out of place in that domain. As you continue forward, your path is blocked by a Water Volume Detection Crystal. Collect the 3 Hydrograna nearby to activate it and open the gates. You can now use the Hydro portals to traverse the interiors.

You will next encounter a wooden sword cast in a seal that you don’t have the key to open. This Holy Sword is important for solving this quest. You need not kill the crab enemy in that room as you can simply continue forward by interacting with the mechanism on the right to open the gates. You will eventually come to a room with one elite Bubbler Seahorse which you have to defeat to obtain a simple chest and move forward.

Eventually, you will end up at the start of the domain again but this time there will be 2 Water Volume Detection Crystals blocking your path. Follow the same route and this time you’ll have a feather which is the key to unlock the Holy Sword seal. There will also be 2 Bubbler Seahorses to face and they will give you an exquisite quest. You’ll have to run this loop again as in your next run you’ll be faced with 3 Water Volume Detection Crystals and 3 Bubbler Seahorses- except no sword this time but you’ll get a Precious Chest for your troubles.

This time when you get up on the elevator which takes you upstairs back to the beginning, keep your eyes peeled up and jump off at the floor just above. This is actually the first floor and there will be a domain waiting for you in the study hall. Enter this domain and it will take you to the beginning of the floor with only one Detection Crystal. Follow the route to the Sword room and unseal the real Holy Sword from the first floor and then return back to where you just came from (no need to complete the whole loop again).

In actuality, there are actually 4 Floors to this domain and 3 of them are identical except for the number of Detection Crystals and the number of enemies on the way. That’s why it felt like a loop. You’ll see that the strange ornate tile in the middle can now be opened and leads further down. Plunge down into the Hydro portal and you’ll be taken to a room where you’ll have to fight a full-grown Oceanid- though this one’s easier than the Oceanid World Boss in Liyue. This fight gives you a Luxurious Chest.
Keep moving forward and you’ll eventually come to a library/record room where you’ll be needed to read through several documents. Finally, you’ll be pointed towards a picture book which after a lot of dialogue will automatically portal you to Act 3: If She No Longer Dreams Of You. And that’s how you solve Act 2 of the quest and begin the epilogue- Act 3 which is a simple dialogue-driven quest.