All The New West Aged Ginseng Location for Steel Ginseng Soak Black Myth Wukong

Kirthana K
6 Min Read

In Chapter 3 of Black Myth Wukong, there is a farming route to get Aged Ginseng. You might have to run this route several times to farm it for Steel Ginseng Soak, which is a rare RNG drop. The below locations will help you efficiently farm Aged Ginseng for a chance to get Steel Ginseng Soak in Chapter 3. In this guide we will see how to get all Aged Ginseng in The New West in Black Myth Wukong

All Chapter 3 Aged Ginseng Location for Steel Ginseng Soak Black Myth Wukong

Aged Ginseng can be farmed if you teleport back to the shrine and follow the below mentioned route again. You might have to do this several times before you can get your hands on Steel Ginseng Soak in Black Myth Wukong

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Snowhill Path > Frost Clad Path

Go right of the shrine and up the stone step on the right, don’t go further up but instead go a bit straight to find Aged Ginseng

Go back down and continue straight till you cross an abandoned hut on your right. Just behind the hut is an Aged Ginseng

Continue down the path and keep heading straight till you reach some stairs. Go up the stairs till you reach an archway. Just past the archway, turn left and go up the stairs then go down the stairs on the left side. On your left will be a frozen well, and just behind the well is an Aged Ginseng

Snowhill Path > Mirrormere

Turn 180 from the shrine and go straight to find Aged Ginseng

Continue right and immediately go down the slope on your left, then keep going right to find another Aged Ginseng

Bitter Lake > Turtle Island

Make a U-Turn on the left side of the shrine and go behind the shrine. Continue up the slope and go through the gap between the large boulder. Keep to your left and jump down the ledge on your right. Continue to jump down the ledge on your right to find Aged Ginseng

Bitter Lake > North Shore of the Bitter Lake

Go right to the shrine and keep to your left. You will spot Aged Ginseng in front of a tree

Bitter Lake > Percept Corridor

Turn right of the shrine, go down the path and take the first right you come across. Go straight and take the stairs on your left and keep going up till you reach the temple entrance leading to the courtyard. Go right and go up the stairs here to get Aged Ginseng

Valley of Ecstacy > Forest of Felicity

Go right from the shrine and turn right and enter the dark alleyway. Once you exit the alleyway, keep to your right and continue to go right. You will find Aged Ginseng on your left.

Continue straight down the path to find another Aged Ginseng between the ferns on your right

From where you picked up the last Ginseng, keep to your left. When you reach the pillar shown above, go right and you will find Aged Ginseng

Turn around and go down the path while keeping to your left. If you come across a large fallen bark on your right, check near it to get Aged Ginseng.

Turn left from there and go near the brambles ahead to get another Aged Ginseng.

Again turn around and go straight and you will get another Aged Ginseng. To the left of that location is where you can get another Aged Ginseng

Jump off the ledge and go up the stairs, then go left past the archway. On your right will be Aged Ginseng, and four more Aged Ginseng within this area. This area is a great farming spot for Aged Ginseng

Valley of Ecstacy > Towers of Karma

Just to the left of the shrine is one Aged Ginseng. If you keep going left you will find the area mentioned above with several Aged Ginseng around. This spot is ideal for farming several Aged and a Millennium Ginseng in one go

To the right of the shrine, just under the large fallen tree beside the pillars, is an Aged Ginseng

New Thunderclap Temple > Temple Entrance

Go right of the shrine and go through the archway, then turn left. Go up the slope and up the stairs to find Aged Ginseng just up ahead

Go back to the shrine and go right and immediately go down the slope on your left, past the pots with wooden lids. Keep going left, climb up, and you will find Aged Ginseng

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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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