While exploring the world of Alan Wake 2, you will find several secrets hidden away across the various locations. Cult Stashes are hidden containers filled with rare items that will be handy to you during your journey. While exploring the Rental Cabins in Cauldron Lake, you will encounter a strange box in the Break Room. But to unlock the box, you need the key. In this guide we will see where to locate the Cauldron Lake Rental Cabins cult stash key in Alan Wake 2.
Alan Wake 2 – Cauldron Lake Rental Cabins Cult Stash Key Location
There is a secret cult stash you can find in the bathroom of the Break Room near the Rental Cabins, but you need the keys to unlock it. Here we will see where to locate the rental cabins cult stash key in Alan Wake 2.
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The Rental Cabins can be found on the northeastern side of Cauldron Lake. You first need the Bolt Cutters to help cut through the lock on the gate leading to the Rental Cabins. There is a Break Room on the south side of the Rental Cabin area, and if you explore the room, you will stumble across the stash inside the bathroom. There is a cryptic message on top of it which you need to solve.

To find the key, make your way out of the break room and enter Cabin #3 on your right. Exit through the back and go left, then crouch under the log to go to the other side. There is another open door on your left you can go through. Once you get out, turn to your right and go past the broken down truck. Just behind the truck you can find trees with glowing numbers on it, you just need to shine your flashlight to find them. Find the tree with the number 2 written on it and check behind it, you will find the keys for the cult stash.
That’s all there is to know about finding the rental cabin cult stash key in Alan Wake 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.