Where To Find Ubasam Wood Location in LOTR Return To Moria

Kirthana K
3 Min Read

In LOTR Return to Moria, you have to scavenge the Mines of Moria to find various resources which can be used for crafting new items. Ubasam Wood is one such resource that will help you craft various items. You will need it more while crafting the First Age Pickaxe, and later on for various other weapons and equipment. In this guide we will see where to find Ubasam Wood in LOTR Return to Moria.

Where To Find Ubasam Wood Location in LOTR Return To Moria

Luckily, you can Ubasam Wood out in the open, but you need to head deeper within the mines to find it. Here we will see where to find Ubasam Wood in LOTR Return to Moria.

Read More: Where To Find Black Diamonds Location in LOTR Return To Moria

Ubasam Wood is a rare resource to find, but you don’t need to kill any enemy to get it. Rather, make your way to the Lower Deeps to find it. The earliest you can spot Ubasam Wood is right after you pass the Crystal Caverns and keep going deeper. While you are exploring the area here, keep an eye out for large mushroom looking trees. These are quite easy to spot and they resemble large mushrooms. If you break them down with your axe, you will get Ubasam Wood. Another resource you need to keep an eye out for are smaller mushrooms lying on the ground. Picking at these small mushrooms will also give you Ubasam Wood. 

Most of the areas mentioned above will be accessible through the main story quests. So as you keep exploring deeper into the mines, you will encounter tons of resources to gather. Of course, you do need some good equipment to help you harvest the tougher resources, but Ubasam Wood is quite easy to get this way.

That’s all there is to know about finding Ubasam Wood in LOTR Return to Moria. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.

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She holds two degrees in media. She can draw, sketch, and is somewhat good at graphics and animation. She can also write, and, the best part, make instant noodles at 1 minute 59 seconds. Currently, she’s exploring the world of Teyvat. Other times she likes to read books, watch anime, and take long walks to the fridge and back.
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