The Signal 50 is one of the strongest weapons and probably the best sniper in DMZ as well as MW2. The great thing about this weapon is it guarantees a one-shot kill, no which part of the body you hit. Also, the default scope on the sniper allows you to scope much further than any other weapon. So, where to find Signal 50 in Warzone DMZ.
The great thing about the DMZ is that you can exfil the Signal 50 and add it to your contraband, allowing you to reuse the weapon every time you drop, given you place it in the insured slot. With that said, here is how to get Signal 50.
How to Get Signal 50 in Warzone DMZ
Like all the other items and weapons in the game, if you manage to take out an enemy player with the Signal 50, you can then loot their weapon, but this method is too luck based And if you go looking for one, chances are you may not find it. Even when you do find a player with Signal 50, taking down the player can be a pain as one shot from the weapon and its game over for you.
So, the best Way and location of Signal 50 in Warzone DMZ is the ammo cache. These are locations in the map marked by three bullet icons. They are spread throughout the map and are usually in the outer region. When you open the crate in one of the ammo cache locations, there is a high chance of the Signal 50 dropping. I have personally looted more than 6 Signal 50 at the ammo cache. It’s a random drop, so there is a chance that you may not get it. But, a visit to the ammo cache is worthwhile none the less. If you visit the top floor of the building and loot all the rooms, there is a chance you will end up with more than one Self-Revive kits as well as gas mask.

You may also find the signal 50 as ground loot but again that’s luck based. If a player was killed by an AI, you will find the weapon lying on the floor.
When you do manage to get your hands on one of these weapons, quickly head to the nearest exfil to take the weapon out of the game. That’s all we have in this guide, hope it was helpful.