Victoria 3 is a strategy simulation game where you take control of a nation and form laws to govern it. While you take care of the general pops of the country, you also have to ensure that their needs are met. To do that, you need to supply the right wages and ensure their standard of living is up to the mark. In this guide, we will see the best way to increase the standard of living in Victoria 3.
Victoria 3 – How to Increase Standard of Living
Three elements determine the standard of living of a nation; wages, productivity, and welfare. Here we will see how to increase the standard of living in Victoria 3.
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Increasing living conditions, supplying basic needs, and improving the production and wages of the pops are detrimental to how the nation will run. To increase production, you need to ensure that you are supplying the right jobs that help the pops to find employment. Production buildings will help you with that, and they will monitor the wages and other aspects like Dividends. The more money that the pops can spend, the more their needs will increase. While in the beginning, you will notice that they require basic needs like food and shelter, but as the prosperity of the nation goes up, so will their needs. Also, the pops will be divided into the lower, middle, and upper classes, and each of them will have its own needs. Bringing in high-quality and cheap goods by opening up the trade lines will help you fulfill this aspect. Ensuring stable supply lines help in lowering the price of imported goods, which in turn helps with spending of the pops.

Lastly, you need to keep an eye on the older, unemployed, or disabled pops by supplying welfare. This depends on how you allocate money to the government and military foundations, as they will be responsible for the non-working class. Placing laws and upgrading the social security institution will also help. Increasing wages can help the unemployed pay for necessities, and if you manage to increase it some more, they can also have some savings left.
That’s all there is to know about increasing the standard of living in Victoria 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.