The long-awaited Resident Evil 4 Remake is here, and with it, you will face new challenges of the unknown. As you fight your way through hordes of zombified villagers, you will encounter puzzles and quests that you need to solve. You can pick up certain quests from the Merchant’s stall near the Town Hall, and one of the quests you can unlock is the Viper Hunter quest. Here we will see how to complete this quest in Resident Evil 4.
Resident Evil 4 Remake – How to Complete Viper Hunter Quest
As you progress through Chapter 3, you will get the Viper Hunter quest. In the quest, you have to find and bring three vipers to the Merchant, but it is not as easy as it looks. Here we will see how to complete the Viper Hunter quest in Resident Evil 4.
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To start the quest, head over to the Town Hall area and visit the Merchant’s stall. If you are progressing through Chapter 3, you will find a note on the wall from someone who wants to feed their dying friend some viper meat. You need to find three vipers and bring them to the Merchant to sell them.

There are several places where you can find vipers, but the most common area is in the Fish Farm. The stagnant water area offers a great environment to find vipers here. You can even break open the wooden crates and barrels around the area to find vipers. Just step into the water and you can spot a viper very quickly.

The next area you can visit is the inside of the room on the quarry just after the church. Just before taking the ladder up the bridge, you will find an entryway on your left. After entering it, on your right is a wooden crate. Break it to find a viper.
How to Kill Vipers in Resident Evil 4 Remake

You should keep in mind that vipers will lunge at you, especially after being released from crates and barrels. You should quickly step back before they bite you, and then shoot or pierce them with your knife. Whichever method you choose, you should collect their dead body and return them to any of the merchant locations to sell them.
After you sell three vipers to the merchant, you will complete the Viper Hunter quest.