In the quest “Verdant Restoration,” Nessa Harrow, a quest giver from Windsward, sends you to a shrine to solve a mysterious riddle. This is an early-game puzzle in New World: Aeternum where you need to correctly rearrange the stones at the shrine to complete the quest. This puzzle requires some thought. This guide will explain how the quest works and how to solve the puzzle and what are the rewards that you get after completing it.
How to Start the Verdant Restoration Quest
When you reach level 16, you can talk to Nessa Harrow in Windsward. She will give you a quest to solve an ancient puzzle at Mirador Shrine. Nessa Harrower, the quest giver, is waiting for you on a cliff in the southwestern part of Windsward, near the Treacherous Brook. A druid acolyte will tell you that you need to bring a gem to the Mirador Shrine. The shrine is located directly west of where you met Nessa. You can find its location marked on your map.
Verdant Restoration Quest Guide & Puzzle Solution
To reach the marker on the map, you’ll need to climb up the collapsed walls in the ruins. Once you’re at the top, you’ll find a mage waiting for you at the shrine. Kill the mage and place the gem. Behind you, three small stone pillars will appear with symbols on them. You can rotate these symbols.The path to the main shrine room is clear, thanks to the new climbing mechanics in New World. Once you’ve reached the shrine room, take note of the glyphs and order on the wall at the northwest part. You’ll need to rearrange the stones so that they form an X, a P, and a trident shape.
Other players can also rearrange the stones, so this quest can be frustrating if there are a lot of people in the area. Try to communicate with other players using in-game chat.
Verdant Restoration Quest Rewards
The quest giver, Nessa Harrower, is waiting for you at the edge of the road leading north from the Treacherous Brook area. You can find her location marked on the map. After you complete the quest, you can return to her to collect your reward. These are the following rewards that you get after completing the quest.
3,800 XP
46.00 Coin
500 Territory Standing
50 Azoth
Traveler’s Lightweight Pants
Windsward’s Hope
Nimble Burglar’s Gloves