In MW3 Zombies you can now pick up some new missions and fight new monsters to get some rare rewards. You will also encounter some puzzles that you need to solve and new monster loot that will leave you confused. During your expedition, you will encounter a rune puzzle that requires certain rare items to be placed inside. One of the items you need for it is the Locked Diary. In this guide we will see how to get and use the Locked Diary in MW3 Zombies.
MW3 Zombies – How to Get and Use the Locked Diary
The Locked Diary is one of the items you need to enter a strange location. Here we will see how to get and use the Locked Diary in MW3 Zombies.
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To get the Locked Diary, you need to find and defeat the Gorm’gant boss. This new boss can be encountered in the newest MW3 Zombies mission Bad Signal. You can unlock the Bad Signal mission after completing all the previous mission Acts. Bad Signal will introduce you to the Dark Aether Rift, where you have to break four seals and defeat level 2 zombies. There is an objective bar on how many zombies you need to kill, and killing them will help you fill it up. Once you have broken all the seals, you will be pointed towards the Gorm’gant boss’s location. Upon its defeat, you will receive the Locked Diary.

To use the Locked Diary, you first need to find three other items with it. This includes the Pill Box, Dog Collar, and Surveillance Camera. After collecting all the four items, make your way back to the Dark Aether Rift where you started the Bad Signal mission and travel north. There is a little island near the border of the Red Zone where you can spot four runes. You have to place these items on the correct runes to start a new special challenge that will give you an extremely rare reward.
That’s all there is to know about the Locked Diary in MW3 Zombies. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.