When you start building up your Castle, you will have to create a Blood Alter to help you track down the vicious V Blood Carriers. But that was back during the early access period of the game. Now, you will find this structure missing, so it can be confusing how you can track V Blood Carriers now. In this guide, we will see where is the Blood Altar and how to track down V Blood Carriers in V Rising.
Altar of Recollection in V Rising
You will need to sustain yourself using the blood from V Blood Carriers, and what better way to track them than using the Blood Altar. But things have changed now, so you might be wondering how to track V Blood now. Here we will see how to go about it in V Rising.
Read More: How to Create or Join a Clan in V Rising

Now that V Rising is no longer in early access and the game is at full launch, you might find several changes that has taken place. For one, you will no longer find the Blood Altar. Rather, you will find a similar structure with the name Altar Of Recollection. The Altar of Recollection unlocks the same way as the Blood Altar via the main quests. You will need 180x stone and 10x Blood Essence to build it. But the Altar of Recollection no longer leads you to locate a V Blood.
Rather, you can use the new structure to respec your spells. This is a free feature added to the game and costs nothing to respec. So if you are having second thoughts about your build, you can always visit the Altar of Recollection to change your spell build. As for locating V Blood now, it is an automatic feature and lets you track V Blood Carrier bosses once they pop up in your quest log
That’s all there is to know about the Blood Altar and how to use it in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.