Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 adds many new weapons, weapon mechanics, and environments to its predecessor. This newest release has received mixed reviews, with some players not liking the increase in recoil on all of the game’s guns.
There was barely any recoil in previous titles, while other games acted like lasers; this isn’t so much the case. The intensity of recoil has been increased on these latest weapons, but it is mostly for showoff. In this guide, we’ll see how to reduce recoil in Modern Warfare 2.
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How to Reduce Recoil in Modern Warfare 2?
Following are some of the best ways to reduce recoil in Modern Warfare 2.
Changing Field of View
You should increase your Field Of View to be able to see what’s going on around you better and reduce recoil visually. However, increasing FOV does not decrease recoil. It adds more information to the screen, increasing accuracy and creating a zoomed-out appearance. You should set your FOV to 120, but anything more intense may be too intense for some players.

Changing ADS Field of View
ADS Field of View considers the zoom factor when aiming, but Weapon FOV (Holding) determines the zoom level on guns regardless of whether they are aimed down. To increase your Aiming Zoom Factor to match the rest of your game settings set Affected as ADS FOV and Wide as Weapon FOV so that you have a wider view of your surroundings. Due to how drastically different recoil looks when Weapon FOV is set on Wide instead of Affected will also feel less intense.

By Reducing Camera Movement
Changing the first-person camera movement to ‘Least 50%’ will minimize unnecessary camera movements. As a result, recoil effects are minimized, and players can better control them. When using high-action gameplay styles or being more aggressive, it is important to set it to ‘Least 50%’.

By Tuning Weapon Attachments
Upon reaching Level 20, your guns can be modified with different attachments from their default values with the Gunsmith 2.0 system. With this customization comes much more control and options, so you can build whatever gun suits your needs best. Whether you need to enhance one attribute while reducing another, you can play around and make anything work.

This concludes our guide on reducing recoil in Modern Warfare 2. Also, check our other guides for more updates on the game.