Different classes in Backpack Battles require new items from the store. These items will help in fusing and crafting new weapons and gear. While playing as different classes, you would need plenty of Whetstones to upgrade your weapons. But getting whetstones is hard, as they seem quite scarce to come by in the store. In this guide we will see how to get whetstones fast in Backpack Battles
How to Get Whetstones in Backpack Battles
Whetstones are required for fusing and upgrading certain weapons. Here we will see how to get Whetstones in Backpack Battles
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Since Backpack Battles depend on RNG, you might find certain items unavailable in the store. There are only two things you can do to find items, one is to reroll and the other is to keep playing rounds to unlock new items. Luckily, whetstones can be obtained early in the game, as you will frequently run into them at the store before you even reach round 10. This is the best time to hoard whetstones and roll for them, as the later you get into the game, the more scarce they become. Since this is a common item, you need to farm them from round 1 onwards. As you get further into the game, the item can be replaced by other higher rarity items, hence your chances of seeing whetstones will be less
You can also try to reserve Whetstones so that more of them will appear at a later time. The shop might not hold on to the same item in subsequent rounds, so you can reserve Whetstones and purchase them when they appear in the store together.
That’s all there is to know about getting Whetstones in Backpack Battles. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well