Once Human offers a plethora of weapons and gear to make your stay in this post-apocalyptic world more enjoyable. Some weapons are more sturdy and offer more damage than others. If you prefer to use melee weapons, then you might be on a lookout for legendary swords, such as the Masamune Katana. In this guide we will see how to get the Masamune Katana in Once Human
How to Get the Masamune Katana in Once Human
The Masamune Katana is a legendary sword weapon that you can get for free. Here we will see how to get it in Once Human
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To collect the Masamune Katana in Once Human, you need to make your way to Securement Silo Theta. You can find this location in the Red Sands region, in coordinates 5438, -517. This is a level 45 Securement Silo, so you can only access it during late game. If you check the drops while hovering over Securement Silo Theta, you will see there is a random chance of getting a legendary weapon drop while completing this area
There is an optional boss within Securement Silo Theta who spawns after solving the statue puzzle here. Defeat the mini boss and you might get a chance to own the Masamune Katana. You can keep trying here or also farm it off enemies and weapon crates in any high level area. Recommended area level for farming legendary loot is above level 40. So any level 40 and above area you encounter, try to beat the boss and raid weapon chests to find legendary weapons, including the Masamune Katana
That’s all there is to know about getting the Masamune Katana in Once Human. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well