How to Get the Best Spell Early and Unlock All Magic Teachers in Lords of the Fallen

QM Staff
4 Min Read

Lord of the Fallen is a new action RPG where players will be going on an epic journey to defeat Adyr, the demon God. This game is a soul-like game which means players will be facing many dangerous foes from the start. Players will be using many spells in the game and there are 3 different kinds of spells they can learn: Inferno, Radiant and Umbral. Players can find the teachers for these spell types and learn from them. This guide will show you How to Get the Best Spell Early and Unlock All Magic Teachers in Lords of the Fallen.

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How to Get the Best Spell Early and Unlock All Magic Teachers?

In order to learn spells in the game, players need to find these magic teachers and learn magic from them. Here are the 3 locations, players can find the magic teachers for each magic: 

1. Radiant Magic Teacher 

After finishing the tutorial and defeating the final boss of it, players will be able to go to any area. Players then will find the teacher in the Skyrest hub. 

2. Umbral Magic teacher 

Same thing as the Radiant magic, After finishing the tutorial and defeating the final boss of it, players will be able to go to any area. Players then will find the teacher in the Skyrest hub. 

3. Inferno Magic teacher 

But for the Inferno magic teacher, players need to go to the Vestige of Chabui and then proceed forward. Then go down the construction until players find the elevator which will take them down. Then cross the platform and move forward.  Then players need to move forward by crossing the spine bridge. They will see a locked door on the left and to find the key go right and get the key from from the corpse on the spine bridge (another) 

Then go back and open the door and climb the spiral stairs to find a tortured prisoner. To help the prisoner, players need to find the eye flower monster (3 in total) and shoot it with magic to destroy it. After helping her, she will move the Skyrest bridge (near the first boss). She is the teacher and vendor of inferno magic. 

The best radiant spells to get are: (these spells are good at healing and status effects)

  1. Radiant Flare
  2. Aura of Tenacity
  3. Sanctify

The best Umbral Spells to get are: (these spells buff the weapon) 

  1. Misery Missile
  2. Umbral Weapon
  3. Umbral Slash
  4. Poison Weapon

That’s all you need to know about How to Get the Best Spell Early and Unlock All Magic Teachers in Lords of the Fallen. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news on the Lords of the Fallen and various other games.

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